: "Often you have to remind yourself of exactly how far you've come in order to stay the course, especially when you're sore, in other kind of pain, and the workout is difficult b/c you're extremely unhealthy." #PushThrough Daph b/c you got this is - you can do it all because you're amazing mylove ... #EncourageYourself, and don't wait for others because it may not come. After being on all sorts of diets, programs, shakes and cakes, #iHaveHadEnough and it doesn't matter how many times you all have seen me start over #iWillWin, PERIOD, so #keepWatchingmeShrink on my #weightlostJourney #wls #Wlstories #weightlost 1st things 1st - admit you need to change, #shiftyourthinking & truly #mindYourBusiness and #WorkOnYou and #DontLookForValidation - yes if you like share to provoke change, inspire and motivate (you 1st), and others 2nd, but don't do it for the likes, but for your future, your heart and to #lookGoodNaked. I'm my own #FitnessCoach #DaphneDWilliams #Dwritewell #motivatedBeautytm #MotivatedBeauty #BecomeWhoYouAlreadyAre #MotivatedBeautyBodies