battlespirit7: #Artists come with many #talents, that should be #shared with the #world. What's the point of #God Blessing us with certain #gifts, if we just sit on our hands and do nothing with it? Most often, our #talents don't #mature until we #discover #specifically what our #hearts is #desiring. #Explore within yourself, to find that #hiddentreasure. Does it gives you #goosebumps, or make your #heart race when you think about having a #successful, #prospering #lifestyle? Then that's something you should look into. This can be #discovered at any age and at any time. #Don't accept, it's too #late, you're too #old, don't have time. If you're #passionate about, ask for God's Will. If it is in God's Plan for your life, then it will happen, and man will not be able to take it away. #Pray, #Fast, #Listen and #Act! #Trust and #believe in your life! Take that first #step, and let God do the rest! Going nite nite now...HAVE A FUN, #EXCITING, #BLESSED, #PROSPEROUS WEEK!!!