: I was short on time so today's workout was 5 rounds of a #kettlebell 'clean & press' ladder with 10 push-ups in between each round. A ladder is a rep scheme in which the number of reps changes by a set number. In this case I was increasing by one rep on each arm. So I did one rep on each arm, then 2, then 3. I was doing a ladder up to 3 so that was the end of the round. A ladder can go up (ascending) or down (descending). You also don't have to increase/decrease by one rep. You can choose whatever number you want, just keep it the same for each rung. Choose wisely. You'll want to either do an exercise that uses a single arm/leg (clean & presses or lunges for example) or you can group exercises together. For instance, you could do a rep of clean & press followed by a push-up. Then 2 of each and 3 and so on. Ladders are a great for when you're short on time and/or equipment. They allow you to increase volume (amount of work done) with weights that may be too heavy for traditional rep schemes (i.e 3x10). For instance, 5 rounds of the ladder in this video would be 30 reps on each arm. Once you add in the 10 push-ups between rounds, that's not a bad workout for 25 minutes. #StartingLine #kettlebells #24kg #pushups #fitness #fitnesstips