ljbakerfitness: Strive for Progress, Not Perfection! 😉 For these past few days, I've been really trying hard to start going to bed early and waking up early so I can get a lot of things done. First time I tried, I woke up at 8am (still not early), 2nd time (7:30), 3rd time (7:00) and today I woke up at 6:30! Yay! I'm aiming to wake up everyday at 5am so I can get used to it and by the time my baby starts going to school (which is 4-5 years from now lol), I will be that mom who gets things done early!😉 I used to be a very late sleeper and I like to sleep in but every time I do that, I feel so tired when I wake up and just doesn't have any energy. When I started getting more active and eating healthy, it totally changed my lifestyle. I can go on with my entire day without a single drop of caffeine in my system and I just feel happier and not sluggish. What good habit have you been trying to form these past few days? It doesn't have to be fitness related, share away guys!😊👌🏼 #21dayfix #shakeology #mommy #gettingbackinshape #myfitnessjourney