: We had a Relentless Lift For Hope fundraising event yesterday and raised a bunch of money for HopeKids while having fun benching and pulling! Even the little kiddos lifted! I got in my shirt and benched "heavy" for the first time in about 8 months! Probably not the smartest move with the bum shoulder, but it felt so good to have some weight in my hands again! I worked up to 295, 315, 335 to a 2 board. Not sure I want to try to bench to my chest yet, but dang was it fun! #GotHope #Relentless2016 #LiftForHope #benchpress #boardpress #powerlifting #girlswhopowerlift #conjugatenation #conjugatebuilt #conjugateagainsttheworld #sweattgirls #CaptainJackedApproved @thecaptainjacked