: Hey myloves to all of you health conscious folks who are texting, emailing, dm'ing, inboxing me on FBook who want to shed some inches and lose some pounds & request my #EatingRegimen, #LifestyleChangeMenus (you may call it a #DietPlan), and want #DaphsRecipes, you can order it on my site Thursday ... #SummerBodiesAreMadeInWinter ... Nothing like a tall chilled glass of #BeetJuice (it #DetoxifiesTheBody & it's a #Superfood) with kale, spinach, celery, a couple of Apples, pineapple, lemons, and #FreshGinger (#metabolismbooster, prevents bloating & gas) to get my day started bright & early tomorrow morning ... my #Alkalinejuice is great for energy, stamina, skin care, and the ability to bounce back after a tough workout ... Remember it's #80PercentWhatYouEatAnd20PercentExercise #80PercentKitchen20PercentGym ... I will need my #FreshBeetJuice during Wednesday's workout since Monday's routine totally kicked my #bigButt, #QuadsHurt, #SquatsAreSuperPainful (lifting all this weight smh) and my #WingedArms are in a lot pain - to the touch too πŸ’ͺ🏾πŸ’ͺ🏾πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ†... & although I'm very sore, I'll be at my goal weight soon, which is why I'm going hard. The goal is to #lose100lbs + by May 2016, be very comfortable in the skin I'm in #likeAGirl, and of course to #LookGoodNaked & #neverBeFatAgain or unhealthy ever #NeverEver!!! #NoPainNoGains right? #MotivatedBeautyTM #DaphneDWilliams #DwriteWELL #iAmDwriteWELL #MotivatedBeautyBodies #BecomeWhoYouAlreadyAre #wlj weightlostjourney #Wlstories #weightlost #losingweight #workingonme, so focused on the end results #TunnelVision