: This bitter bitch is coming back! Did y'all miss me, my rants, raves, Q&A, opinions, comments, skits, advice, work outs, knowledge, useless facts, eclectic music variety or maybe just my selfies?! Well starting tomorrow you can start sending your requests and questions you want answered! I'm coming back stronger than last year, get ready folks! 😎 take a situation and learn, what's wrong with being confident? Nothing. 2016 brings a more confident me. #snapchat #thegretakinsshow #gretakins #gretalove #bitterbitch #2016 #confident #humor #laugh #lifelessons #growth #snapedechat #greattimewaster #lol #bitter #haha #advice #laughs #rant #rave #opinion #music #selfie #theycreatedamonster #itstheoneyouputupwhenyoudontgiveafxck