justkas22: Yesterday we found out if my older sister was having a girl or a boy 😊 Pink lights for a girl and Blue lights for a Boy. The anticipation was ridiculous and the response was even more hahaha. Screams of joy and happiness! #pressplay #CantwaittobeanAuntie #letthecompetitionbegin #Ialwayswin #icanthelpbeingcompetitive #superexcited!
justkas22: Yesterday we found out if my older sister was having a girl or a boy 😊 Pink lights for a girl and Blue lights for a Boy. The anticipation was ridiculous and the response was even more hahaha. Screams of joy and happiness! #pressplay #CantwaittobeanAuntie #letthecompetitionbegin #Ialwayswin #icanthelpbeingcompetitive #superexcited!
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