: My Friday night. Had a date with a 65 year old woman! Who is fearless and not afraid to work! Not only is she smart and diligent. She is willing to put in the time to keep her body healthy. I see this lady 3 times a week at minimum. She has lost a total of 15 lbs with me over the past 30 days. She said "AINT NO STOPPING"! #FightingTheFight #She'sDoingMoreThanHoldingOn #SheIsLivingLife #LovingLife #TakingControlOverHerLife #ForInquiriesEmailOrDmMe #Porche@getflairfit.com #iTrainWomenMenBoysGirlsBabiesGrownUpsElderlySeniorCitizensPregnantWomenCatsDogsLizardsHorsesAliens #WhoeverWantsThisWorkCanGetIt #iLoveItCantGetEnoughOfIt