leighgubler: I pushed play! Day 4 on #21DFX Leg day! This program is no joke! But I did it and am proud. My girl J, woke up right at the end of my workout and wanted to play in the rain, so i made shakeology with a frozen banana while she jumped in her suit and grabbed an umbrella. She even asked for a picture together. It melts my heart that she still wants to take pictures with me. I'm taking advantage of that! ☺️ She decided we needed to play Beachbodyopoly... She got a card that paid her $100 for helping 3 people start their health and fitness journey. I scored this card that paid me $100 because I feel great and I look great! Thank you... Indeed I do feel great! And I love that J is all about "being a coach and helping people be healthy!" It's already a great day! Celebrate every day. Get in the picture and make memories. What will you celebrate today? Will you be IN your pictures?