: #picplaypost PM check in here's today's run down Live: I allowed myself to enjoy an afternoon nap, a walk with the 🐶, & allowing my body to rest without guilt. I did Tush It Good this morning & while I don't feel like that was "enough" my body & mind are exhausted & needed a night off. Learn: you can still be active without breaking a serious sweat! In addition to my walk, I ironed during #greys -- kept my body moving instead of sitting for an hour & playing on my phone (at least for tonight 😉). I also did some more research on bloating (been frustrated with how I look the past week..too puffy considering all I'm doing) & am going to cut out most of my dairy intake & all of my spinach intake for the next week or so just to see how my body adjusts. There's being healthy & then being uncomfortable. Teach: continuously teaching myself to listen to my body when it needs rest, something isn't right, or I need to go with my gut. So much in life is out of our hands but we always have the ability to control ourselves & our reactions. It's definitely a process though, as is working out, & changes don't happen over night. Need to take it day-by-day! #livelearnteachme