geor13: Didn't feel like driving to the gym today so decided to workout from home. As you can see I'm a big guy and my stupid tan linesπŸ˜‚. What you don't see is my struggle as a big guy. Clothes not fitting right, people staring at the gym, and worst the talks. When I was younger that all would've hurt. Nowadays, it just passes over me. They don't know my life. What I've been through as far my health goes. Tipping the scales at 300lbs just 3 years ago to now being 245lbs to many of you that is still big to me that's a change in the right direction. What hasn't change is the man I've always been. That won't change no matter how big or how small of a guy I am. I'm smiling now more than ever because I'm in a happy place mentally and emotionally. Physically ill get there. Little by little I've conquered my demons and I'm still pushing. There's no looking back at negativity when all you see is positivity in your life. So smile, be happy, enjoy your love ones and live life. Above all be you no matter how many people want to see you fall. The only person you have to prove anything to is yourself. Be rich in happiness, love, and life.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽 #me #happy #smiling #progress #rich #love #life