fxckyouandyourwords: so once upon a time, coughcough only a little while ago actually, i promised you that i would make you this video gif thingamabobber. i said that because you are my best friend, or you were, things just seem to have changed and i dont know. the way we used to talk a while, while ago is much different and more... i dont know, its just so much more different than how we talk now. maybe its cause you realized how clingy i was, and annoying sometimes because i like to do things straight forward aka blunt, which isnt everyone's speed and i know that... but i do it anyways. i do and say stuff without thinking it through and it ends up usually badly. and im sorry for it, for all of it. but anyways i had this whole letter thing planned out but i fucking accidentally deleted it, im a total idiot, thanks for loving me world. um, ill just say that you are literally the only person or at least one of the very few that has ever been able to make me smile and laugh and grin like a fucking moron. with your puns and your jokes and your flattering compliments, to your smile which can light up any dark hallway, to just... you. you are and will always be my best friend, although you may not want me to be... but i will always be here for you, and i swear i will make sure you get your happy ending, because you deserve it so much. youre great person, youre sweet and kind and yes, youre dork but its adorable. the first time we had met i knew i liked you and we hit it off immediately, and now that i think of it, i remember randomly tagging you on a post and then we just started chatting, wow. we were oddballs. still are! anyways, anything you need i will get it for you. anytime you need a shoulder to cry on, or a pair of listening ears to vent to, or just a random ass distraction from this crazy, confusing world, i am always right here. literally and you know.. no, thats almost literally, teEhee. i have no idea how to end this either, im strange. but dont judge me, okay hobbit? kay. WAIT. I HAVE AN IDEA. PUNNY JOKES. *badumtshh* what do you call a pile of cats? a meowtain! what type of flower did the boy cat get for his prom date as a corsage? a cauliflower! i suck at these, you were always so much better but eh, screw it. anywhore, i hope you have a niceeee.... day? night? afternoon? im not really sure. but i hope it's nice, because i care about ya. 💗🍕🍟🎵 also, yes, this nice country song was picked purposely because of the few country songs i have, but this was the first one i found on my music list, and i instantly thought of you cause yes.... i secretly stalked you and pigeon mans conversation and im pretty sure i heard some chad name in there.. or im just a weirdo. if you know this song or chad brownlee, then i feel accomplished in life. and i love how i said id end it earlier yet I made like a fucking paragraph of something so random... what is life man, like. OKAY. IM FINISHED. RIGHTTT... now. bye!, #gleerp #openrp #literaterp