nikkisfitlife: For those of you who don't know, I dislocated both of my sacro-iliac joints last October and it put me out of commission as far as the gym goes until just a couple months ago. I haven't dead-lifted in 8 months. I'm just now getting brave enough to start doing heavy lifting again for lower body. My hubby had this bar already loaded and I wanted to see if I could even get it off the ground lol. My form is TERRIBLE I know (gotta keep my butt down!) but I did it! I picked it up! I weigh 115lbs right now (I know that's underweight btw...I don't enjoy this new look but I lost 17lbs when I got hurt) and I picked up 135lbs!!!!! Woo hoo! Here's to improving #imcominforya #tryingtoaddhealthyweight #sacroiliacjointinjuriessuck #deadlift #tryingtogrowmybooty #itsapancakerightnow