supersaiyanstrong: Week 2 day 2 of sheiko
Deadlift to knees (tried it with hook grip)
4 sets of 430x3
Board press single board
3 sets of 265x2
Deadlift with chains (switched back to over under)
4 sets of 460+25lbs of chains x2
Floor press
5 sets of 225x6
#deadliftbruh #saiyanstrong #Workout2eat
#teamsaiyanstrong #trainhard #strength #powerlifting #bardontlie #squat #dragonballz #instafit #deadlift #asian #asianpower #heavy #muscles #deadlifts #crunchfitness #gymlife #swole #strongnotskinny #fuckabsbehappy #slingshot #teamfluffy #asianaesthetics #getbig #strength
supersaiyanstrong: Week 2 day 2 of sheiko Deadlift to knees (tried it with hook grip) 4 sets of 430x3 Board press single board 3 sets of 265x2 Deadlift with chains (switched back to over under) 4 sets of 460+25lbs of chains x2 Floor press 5 sets of 225x6 #deadliftbruh #saiyanstrong #Workout2eat #teamsaiyanstrong #trainhard #strength #powerlifting #bardontlie #squat #dragonballz #instafit #deadlift #asian #asianpower #heavy #muscles #deadlifts #crunchfitness #gymlife #swole #strongnotskinny #fuckabsbehappy #slingshot #teamfluffy #asianaesthetics #getbig #strength
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