kcarr1021: Almost didn't train today. It was a bad day and I knew I would have to yearn alone. We all have things that come up and things happen that sometimes damper our motivation... But I remembered "I still have a goal" and this is the one thing I can do that will help me feel better and make me a better athlete, coach and mentor tomorrow. You should always make time for yourself and so what makes you happy. Even with some interruptions and chasing my dog down the street in my 3rd round I came back inside and finished that wod πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸŽ―πŸ‹πŸΌπŸ… So... #headdowneyesup #musicblaring #getitdone #ifeelbetter #noexcuses #traineveryday #livesore #crossfit #invictusathlete #dreamsdontworkunlessyoudo