Brendan: Another thing I wanted to share... Bren goes to Gymboree Classes 4-5 times per week and has so much fun. He's learning to socialize, share, climb, clap, count, and sing. They taught me to praise his strengths instead of focusing on things he hadn't gotten (at the time it was crawling) lol. He's so great with his fine motor skills so he was feeding himself, placing toys in their slots, drinking from cups and straws and hugging mommy early on. Now he's standing, walking with his toys and along tables (and crawling). It's important that we don't compare our babies to one another, they are all great at something (just like adults) so focus on that, and make them even greater. Encourage, dance, laugh, and play. He's only gonna be my little baby for a little while longer. So I'm soaking it all in and learning so much. ❤️✨#gymboree #playAndLearn #MusicClasses #StalkerMom