: Why is this Knight different from all other Knights? I guess it comes from the ability to be dead-meat whilst artist @revphule #revphule #lucky13rva tagged me up. This should come naturally I guess since my given #Hebrew name Pesach Tsvi; #Passover Deer I'm not going to pontificate to much about the Hebrew/English translation or how words can be reversed for, "different but same", MiyagiDo meanings. As explained to me, I had my two relatives I was named after and do to the timely nature of my birth the Rabbi thought that some sort of sacrificial Pascal "lamb/deer" reference was appropriately intended. I'm a Jew by birth from a Jewish mother and wear the #TenCommandments on my arms as a reminder to try to be a #Nicejewishboy ? I broke another commandment to be reminded of the first ten; "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your fles for the dead, nor imprint any marks upon you: I am the LORD." I had a Bar Mitzvah and we severed steak and lobster on the beach. I've studied #kaballah only a third of my life yet I feel that the things #Moses Jesus, Einstein and others studied despite "religion" aide in a vibration to perform #miracles no matter the faith. I was raised blind of race, religion, creed, socioeconomic status and believe that all people are created equal. Personal #tikkunolam #mentalslavery or actual slavery we all must extend the hand, #outofmanyonepeople πŸ™πŸ’―πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ!!! I had an early #sedar with a bunch of brilliant youngsters who tried to convince me Moses wasn't a bad ass, I said, "you should watch #batman in Exodus: Gods and Kings and tell me that". That was after they said, "Charlton who?"; I knew I was in trouble. They told me that movies aren't always historically accurate and I should watch #Dreamworks animated #PrinceofEgypt as it is. I said "but it's Batman as Moses" what an awesome day!!! The idea was to combine both the original ideas of our #foundingfathers for the Great Seal of these United States of America and combine the colors of @mylesmarjorie BlueWave painting into the parting of the seas. #wearableart #justgoodtattos #backpiece #welker #tatsoul #inkmaster #eikon #rva #richmond #virginiaisforlovers #justinmyles #soulman