jacques_cheok: ☝🏼👈🏼 Top left- 1st day on T ☝🏼️👉🏼 Top right- 3 months on T 👇🏼 Bottom- 6 months on T Today marks my 6th month on Testosterone. My transition has been up and down with good and bad times. Some critics continue to criticises🗣, some supporters just stand by and watch me👀. Some are still wondering what the hell am I doing?! 😆Hahahahah! Well, this is my road, my path I've chosen to walk with or without you by my side because no one else can walk it for me. They can walk alongside but none can walk it the way I do.🚶🏻Happiness comes when I feel good about myself without the need of anyone's approval. I am happy. 😊 #transition #transgender #ftm #transman #transisbeautiful #vitaminT #testosterone #lgbt #pride #malaysian #whereloveisillegal