supersaiyanstrong: Your only as good as your last sets and man they were hard today! Week 2 day 1 of sheiko Top sets Bench press 4 sets of 235x2 last rep of least set 5 sec pause Squats 4 sets of 405x2 Bench with chains 4 sets of 225x3+25lbs of chain weight #deadliftbruh #saiyanstrong #Workout2eat #sponsored #bootywurk #trainhard #strength #powerlifting #bardontlie #squat #dragonballz #instafit #deadlift #asian #asianpower #heavy #muscles #deadlifts #crunchfitness #gymlife #swole #strongnotskinny #fuckabsbehappy #slingshot #teamfluffy #asianaesthetics #getbig #strength