: #Monday If you don't follow me on #SnapChat, then you missed my cray cray night! Emptied my entire pantry and CAUGHT this little guy!😖🐭 Which lead me to throw most my food and food storage away, pulled out my stove, refrigerator, and dish washer! Figuring out that the mice came from the mechanic room in the garage under my island. Can I just say something... THERE ARE JUST SOME THINGS A WOMAN SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DO! Ok, now that I'm done having my pity party, I got the job done! Traps and poison set! Entire house bleached clean! And I set the little mouse free in a field a mile away (I couldn't kill it)! I'm exhausted, grossed out, and yet, pretty damn impressed! Yes, I screamed, A LOT, but when there's no other choice, I got er' done! #screamedlikeagirl #cleanedlikealatina #wait #iamlatina #missedyogatonight #hellofaday #tryingtolaughatit #jacklaughedatme #alot #mansjob #justsaying