: Sometimes I forget that a lot of people don't know the old Sara. Instead many of you just see a girl that loves everything fitness. It's crazy to think only a year and a half ago it was the TOTAL opposite and the idea of working out was something I avoided like the plague. My healthiest drink of the day was one of my 2-3 cans of Coke or pot of coffee...seriously though. If your sitting on your phone watching this vid and wishing that you could feel healthy and be happy with the person in the mirror, you can!!! You don't have to do the most intense workout program out there, you just have to find one that works for you and COMMIT to yourself... Tonight's workout is from the Hip Hop Abs program...I told you I HATED exercising, well this was the first program that got me hooked and was the start to my 40 pound weight loss. Super excited to get started my next accountability group on Monday and watch my friends reach their goals...are you in??? #picplaypost #fitmom #hiphopabs #feelgood #motivation #shaunt #workout