: Real talk over here: January was a rough month for my fitness goals. I started Max 30 and was super consistent for the first three weeks. Then rehearsals for the big choir show doubled up - we danced every day for 2-3 hours. Between late-night rehearsals, homework, and taking care of the little one, Max 30 took the back burner. So it's no surprise that February got off to a rough start!! I'm not the type of person to do something half-assed. It's either all or nothing! So today I am re-starting Max 30 and giving it my sweaty, bed head, double chin thanks to the camera, Tuesday morning hot mess ALL! Because 1.) I love working out - it makes me feel in control of myself, and 2.) goals don't fall into your lap - you work for them. 😎 Day #1: Cardio in the books! #picplaypost #max30