kaitlyn_mcneely: After a HR (High Rep) leg day at the gym, I was zonkedddd 😴✌🏽️ Passed out on my couch for 2 hrs and woke up craving a fajitas after I heard my pops was making his homemade salsaaaaπŸŒΏπŸ˜‹ So here's an easy healthy quick dinner! Grilled some chicken, shredded it, and cooked the taco shell on the stove for a bit to make it a quesadilla texture. Added cheese, shredded lettuce, chicken, spinach, and my dad's salsa πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ’ƒπŸ½ so goood and so much healthier than Taco Bell! AND for dessert: Sugar Free Banana Creme Protein Pudding 🍌 All you need is sugar free pudding packet, Whey Protein scoop of the flavor of your choice, skim milk (NOT Soy, Almond, or Cashew), stevia, and topping of your choice (I chose Oreo shavings 😍) and Wa-La! #ILoveToCook #GimmeMoreCarbs #ProteinPudding #HealthyAlternative #CarbOverload #Carbs #HighCarbDay #Fajitas #HomemadeSalsa #MeGustanLosTacos #FoodPorn #GirlsWhoLift #FoodPrep #IIFYM #DinDin #IAteTwo #NoShame