powertoprevail: Today's experimental exercises: #sumosquats The thing they had the most difficulty with was keeping their alignment and doing the movement properly. We worked on it for a while but they're getting the hang of it. #seatedchestpress This one is basic but I had to use a stepper so they had somewhere to put their feet. Again, the emphasis is on flowing through the motion smoothly and correctly. I had a real #proudmama moment when my son went for a #pr on his own. We usually go on the #treadmill for 15 min to warm up and get #cardio in. Yesterday he ended at .93 miles so today he realized he was about to do the same so he sped up so he could reach his #mile #milestone. He was so excited and I was very impressed because he is just not the #fitnesslover of the two. #fitfamily #fitkids #perseverance #gymtime #powertoprevail #p2p #theygrowupsofast #siblings