: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROOMIE 😎 ahh I L❀️VE u more then I love Damon #jk πŸ’“ #emmaandelijahforever 😜 ur 1️⃣4️⃣ congrats!! Hope ur day was as awful as u!! Remember I'm always watching u πŸ‘€ Β©... @jharden13 just loves it when I "take out the trash"! Btw I have no idea what I'm gonna do next year b/c UR MOVING 😭 which means I have no one to laugh at my really stupid not funny jokes. Anyways let's hope the roach ( @erinodea_ ) will quit trying to play games b/c ROACHES CANT PLAY GAMES. Alright now I'm done β˜ΊοΈπŸ”« #kingwhekaboker #reidandmrswarner #roaches #14