bubblegumracer: [High School] - "Slut!" Abigail blew a kiss to the girl who threw the insulting nickname at her and winked, reply full of sass. "At least my boyfriends adore me and don't resort to cheating." The student gasped, eyes wide, earning a smug smirk from the bottle-blond. She strutted out of the school and into the parking lot where she could drink without getting caught. Abby was not a star student, partially due to her constantly leaving the classroom to get drunk. However, she was legendary for her attractiveness that could rival Marilyn Monroe, unique persona, and a highly sexual reputation. Not everyone loved the female, but no press is bad press. She leaned back against the flagpole and took a swig of red wine. Thank goodness her younger brother wasn't around to rattle on her: he was a sophomore now and actually cared about being in school. She thought the entire system was a joke, and besides, why does a budding starlet need to know algebra? Gossip about Abby was common and yet it never ate at the girl. She knew how popular she was with the male students anyways. [Open roleplay!] #openrp #roleplay #cleanrp #dirtyrp #drunkrp #highschool #highschoolrp