: Just poured a silicone waste mold to get a couple blanks out to further refine and make the master from... AND start sculpting a figure or two!! #customtoy #customfigure #blank #designertoy #toy #resin #resintoy #sculpt #sculpture #clay #wip #horror #art #fx #mini #minifigure #sculptingblank #picplaypost #artfigure #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artist #rottenresin #mikefx #mikeregan
: Just poured a silicone waste mold to get a couple blanks out to further refine and make the master from... AND start sculpting a figure or two!! #customtoy #customfigure #blank #designertoy #toy #resin #resintoy #sculpt #sculpture #clay #wip #horror #art #fx #mini #minifigure #sculptingblank #picplaypost #artfigure #artistoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artist #rottenresin #mikefx #mikeregan
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