: My boy is in Disneyland training. He doesn't know we are taking him for his 5th Bday in August but he knows it's in the future. He is working on building his stamina and not complaining about long lines. What a great motivator. We are going on more walks and reminding him not to complain when he thinks a line is long. As a parent, it can be tough to feel that you constantly dangle out a carrot to keep your child focused on making better choices. The reality is we all benefit from extrinsic motivators. He's 4 and of course I would want him to obey simply out of love and leaning what is right. I had friends laugh at me when I said that was my wish- that your kids would just obey because they love you. As parents of 11 great kids I know they are wise and they encouraged me that while you do teach them to obey just because, you do have to dangle out the carrot- A LOT! #momlife #lovemyson #lovemyboy#liamyoon #disneyland #fitlife #fitmom #hes 4 #cutekid