k.erensa: Hi! My name is Cagelynn Shirley Hilton, yes you may of heard of my father, Perez Hilton. I really don't like him that much, but he is my father so I have to deal with his stupid ass, I'm pretty stuck up and I am a bitch, I don't deal with people's drama. Anyways, I'm 19 years old, I'm also straight, As I mentioned before, my dad is Perez Hilton, so he pulled a few strings and now I'm a model/actress. I love long walks on the beach, partying, drag racing, alcohol, weed, and other shit. I dislike annoying bitches, assholes, fuckboys/fuckgirls. Okay that's me. Say hi or go away. #sexualrp #maturerp #roleplay #singlerp #friendsrp #dirtyrp #straightrp #openrp