druskfit: Making the switch to sumo deadlifts these past few months has been a whole new learning experience as I've never truly taken the time to learn them, so this week I wanted to do a #mobilitymonday post about something that's helped me develop good patterns. Sumo is all about HIP AWARENESS. What I'm referring to is being able to control your hips through the entire movement, not sinking them too low and not letting them rise too quickly. Shown here, I'm doing kettlebell paused sumo deadlifts. This exercise is excellent for learning proper hip placement, and adding in the pause is a great reminder to stay tight through the movement, keeping your hips as close to the bar as possible. Forcing the knees and hips out ultimately allows you to lockout the sumo deadlift, so using sub maximal methods like this one is great practice to work on the proper mobility. Give it a go and let me know whatcha think!. #fitfam #mobility #Monday #mobilitymonday #mobilitywod #fitfam #fitness #stability #strength #exercise #instafit #gym #foamroller #foamrolling #flexibility #flexible #stretching #gym #health #workout #recovery #smr #squat #deadlift #iifym #flexibledieting #macros #musclepharm #MP #MPnation #welivethis