dancelema: INSPIRE trailer "To Inspire Is Incredible". Click Link Below... Feel free to Share on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and don't forget to TAG YOUR FRIENDS. Subscribe To @DanceLema & Click Going on our event. Take a moment a support INSPIRE series which will feature passionate people doing what they love. This is ONLINE episodes so you will be able to view when the series begins. Inspire will have interviews and stories of Dancers, Singers, Musicians, Choreographers, Writers, Models and More. #Inspire #Life #Tag #inspirational #Model #dance #Singer #Actor #Passion #Career #Publicspeaker #comedian #Entrepreneur #BeFeature #Interview #YourStory #MyStory #Ages #YouTube #Series #CallingALLInspireArtists #Artists #Athlete #Sub4Sub #ClickLinkInBio