: #InsanityAsylum #GameDay! I often see a cute image on Facebook and the Internet, stating that 1h is only 4% of your day, so anyone can easily workout for 1h. Let me tell you. Between sleeping, working, tending to a 2 year old and a 4 year old, errands, cooking, laundry and other tasks, that 4% is about all the time you have left if there is any. It's not easy to fit in. But here's the thing. It ain't easy for anyone. You have to want it enough to make it a priority. You have to give it enough importance that you might put off something else so that you make sure you get your workout in. It's dedication. It's commitment. One of the most omportamt commitment there is: committing to make time to feel good, to be stronger, healthier so that you can play with your children, follow them along in their crazy games, show them how you love and respect yourself enough to take care of yourself, show them it's important to take care of the only body you'll ever be given. Committing to take your stress out during your workouts, not on people the surround you or on unhealthy habits. Good news is, you don't even need a whole hour! 30 minutes is enough. How bad do you want it? #workingout #health #fitmom #commitment #sacrifice #priority #settinganexample