myworldyourlife: At 4:45am today, Z woke up to head to the gym as she does every Mon-Thurs. At 5:45am, she was in the gym working with Mommy & Coach Gleason on her perimeter attack game and her post game. At 7:00am, she was working with the high school team in drills. Then she took a shower and we drove 30min to get her to school on time. Oh yea...she is 9! No Excuses! She is getting better everyday, I'm so proud! Gotta love the kids who are willing to do whatever it takes to get better! Really appreciate Coach Gleason being up with us so early to help Z! #whatsyourexcuse #dowork #betheexample #winnersmakeaway #agoalisadreamwithadeadline #onlypersonstoppingyouisyou #shehasherparentsabsolutesupport #myminime #teamZachara