ms_aminah_: #Alhamdulilah last night my niece and I spent #Iftar with two great sisters in #Fremont. One of whom I already knew and the other I was introduced to, whose name was also Aminah #MashaAllah 😊. We went to a #Pakistani restaurant called #Pakwan and ate outside. We had deep discussions about our first love #Islam, and talked about the pros and cons about the #Ummah and the Malcolm x book 😊. As we ate and discussed fireworks shot across the sky🎆🎊🎉 then it gave us the idea to light some #Sparklers of our own after dinner. It truly felt like a holiday, #Alhadulilah. #Ramadan and #Eid are our holidays in which we should definitely treat it as such and not just about fasting especially for the children. Since it is our special holiday we should make it something special for them so they grow up loving it, and not thinking it's just another obligation we have to do as Muslims that involves no eating. Ramadan is so much more than that. Anyway I am glad I got to spend this time with my sisters in #Islam Geti and Aminah. Thank you both for an incredible night for me and my niece. May Allah reward you and your families JazakAllah Khair. More to come inshAllah with these two for sure so stay tuned! #RamadanMubarak #HijabiTurnUp