kaitlyn_mcneely: The ONLY person you should try to be out-doing is YOURSELF. Period. 💪🏽👊🏽✊🏽 The person in the mirror is YOU, and that should be YOUR only competition. So don't compare your results to others' results. Compare your own results with how much closer you are to actually reaching your goals! ✔️✔️✔️ Improvements always need to be made (My form being #⃣1⃣) But just because my form isn't perfect doesn't mean I'm going to give up. Record yourself and watch where YOU need to improve. That's your challenge. That's your motivation. And THAT's your competition! Never Give Up!! #BetteringMyself #NeverQuit #NeverGiveUp #MotivationMonday #Motivation #Dedication #Determination #Goals #FitnessGoals #Challenge #GirlsWhoLift #Gains #TrustTheProcess #Patience #Shoulders #BouldaShouldas #Arnolds #Delts #RearDelts #CableFlies #SideRaises