: Got behind on my push-ups with the busy weekend. But ya know #nevermissamonday right? Days 8,9 & 10 of 22, #22kill, #22PushUps. Nominated by Mark Hall. I am doing 22 pushups for 22 days in an attempt to raise awareness to the fact that on average 22 AMERICAN VETERANS will commit suicide TODAY! Anyone can join in. If you accept, copy and paste this to each video. Everyone has a purpose! Continue to find the emotional and physical strength you never thought existed! Please spread the word that veteran suicide is not the answer. A new video will be posted each day for 22 days, each with someone new being challenged. Today I would like to challenge my friend @sarah smith to join in the cause. -How it works; video yourself executing 22 push ups everyday for 22 days to your ability level. (So please excuse any poor form or modified push-ups) -Post the video to Facebook and other social media using the hashtags above. -Talley your pushups (I.e. a group of four people in the video doing push ups would look like this #88PushUps for #22Kill) -call out your friends, family, Battle Buddies...anyone...the sky is the limit. The goal is to raise awareness for our Service Members who are battling this demon. #22kill #22pushups #endthis #crusheverything http://www.honorcouragecommitment.org