: Day 7: Cat/ Cow stretch is a wonderful easy flow to open up the back and upper chest while gently working the core.  Place the wrists under the shoulders and knees under the hips. Spread your fingers really wide. Inhale lift the chest and the tailbone on your exhale press into the floor round into the upper back.  For a gentler variation sit on a chair or the floor. Inhale open your arms wide and tilt your pelvis forward. Exhale close your arms and round in your upper back. Repeat for 3-5 rounds.  Here's how to join: 1)follow host: @justbewellyogatx  2) ️follow sponsor: @iknitiatives- skein of yarn @sixmunchkinstitching- sock sack @stolenminutes_ - project bag @orangejellyfishdream -knitting pattern  3) Use hashtag #knitasana 4) repost the challenge collage and tag two of your friends to join you  5) post all 30 days before 7/2 tagging #knitasana and all hosts_________________________________