: Don't mind my swollen mouth or anything! So proud of myself for #legday I heard a commercial on the radio on the way to work this morning about "an even faster fat hurting pill than ephedrine" and it took me back to the days that I was desperate for a quick fix. Even when I was skinny, had a banging body- I thought I was fat. There's some things you can only fix on the inside first. Loving yourself is one of them. I would look at all the possible side effects and out the pills down thank God that was enough for me to stay away. Working out daily has side effects too: sweat/burned calories, happy moods thanks to the endorphins (look it up, it's a fact), energyyy and the list goes on. Make this your lifestyle. Not a "diet" those have end dates. I want to be strong and fit and healthy INSIDE & OUT. And you can too. Whoever needs this message today take it and run with it. I will help you in any way I can. My dad always said" sometimes shortcuts end up being the longer route" and boy was he right. I wasted YEARS waiting for a quick fix. You can do hard things people, get it done. #picplaypost