jin.cap: mana boy is now 10 months! currently, he's in every cabinet, up cruising on all the furniture, crawling, his favorite thing to play with is anything that's not a toy & he loves to dance (he'll stop what he's doing immediately to "whip & nae nae") lol. he's such a happy baby & it's the cutest thing to see him smile & laugh because he now has 6 teeth, 2 on bottom & 4 on the top. while we have a ridiculous amount of fun playing, laughing, singing & exploring, i wouldn't mind if he'd slow down just a bit so we can enjoy this time before the "toddler days" arrive! πŸ’˜πŸ‘ΆπŸ½βž‘οΈπŸ‘¦πŸ½πŸ˜© #happy10months #yesterday #busybusybusy #slowdown #mycrazykid #modelbaby #hanes #boxerbriefs #handsome #bighead #bigboy #stillmybaby #forever #kai11092014