: I've always found myself drawn to the water, be it a lake, river, pond or ocean. A river in particular is such a majestic thing, like its own living being, providing an ecosystem for so many different species and itself in an ever constant state of change. To just sit and observe it is so therapeutic. But there's no better feeling swimming along with its currents or looking for crawdads 🐌 It's so nice to get away from the craziness of the world and immerse yourself into the beauty and simplicity that is nature/life, and to remind yourself what it's really about, to slow down and take it all in. Perhaps this is the best therapy there is; after all we are so bombarded with a materialized society we tend to look outward for the answers when maybe they lie within us. Life isn't meant to be forced, pessimistic. It's meant to be enjoyed a little eh? πŸ˜πŸ„πŸƒπŸ—ΊπŸŽΆ #dowhatmakesyouhappy #followthewater #fuckaconventionallifestyle #lovetheelements #twotracking #subaru #puremichigan #westsidebestside