: Oh that you would kiss me with the kisses of your mouth For your love is better than wine There is no other heart you feel but mine... He is my garden that has been locked to me, and spring that has been sealed for me Who I'm I that I should feel this Who I'm I that He should look at me And HE stretches out his hand And my thoughts and blurs He begins to understand I let go of inhibition, because to get to this place It was a great transition But here we are face to face... @mightymatt524 πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ‘‘πŸ’―β£ #lovestory #oursismyfavorite #youandme #bemyvalentine #ilovetouforevergringo #dimatts #stongertogether #anewdayhascome #throwback2007 #younglove #nervous #takingachance #lovewins #valentines2016 #marriagerocks #diariesofapastorswife #amkindofaromantic #lovetoloveyoubay #eventhothepoemisreallyaboutthegreatestloveofall #iwroteitwheniwassingle #iloveyou