: It's been a year now that I've started this weight loss and fitness journey. This time has been very different compared to the other years. In the past I would have said, "forget this, it's not for me. I'm meant to be fat, overweight, a big girl, and this list goes on. I can totally understand anyone who is feeling this way right now. But I'm here to tell you that YOU are wrong! I was wrong !! If you are not happy with yourself; with the person you see when you look in the mirror, do whatever it take to change that. Dig deep within yourself and find the fire that ignites you! Believe me it's the best decision you'll ever make. Will it be easy, No. Will you want to give up at times, Of course! When you feel like giving up just go back and think of all the reason why you started your journey. It's all about putting all the excuses aside and putting your happiness and yourself first✨ #justdoit #believe #in #yourself #dig #deep #workout #workhard #no #looking #back #stronger #than #ever #feeling #amazing #weightloss #fitness #journey #cardio #jogging #running #sweat #one #pound #at #a #time #nevergiveup #motivation #determination #dedication #progress #not #perfection