: 16-0302: "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6
Day 1/21 of the #21dayfix is complete! I think I'm going to really like the next 20 days of this program. The food portions are very generous, so I felt satisfied throughout the day. The workout kicked my butt. Man oh man am I ever out of shape! I can't believe how winded I was and how sore I am. But I pushed myself and did my best! And that's all anyone can ask for, right?
Short and sweet post tonight - Princess isn't feeling well (I had to pick her up from school - she almost fainted in her Design class. We went straight to the doctor, and all is well now, but she's my priority!) So that means minimal social media time! Good night my friends!
Thank you Lord, for the way you have made our bodies. Thank you for my feet and legs that carry me through the day. Thank you for the way you designed us to nourish our bodies with food so that we have the energy to love others. Please bless my family friends and everyone that is reading this post. Shine your everlasting light of mercy and grace upon them for the rest of our days.
Yours in unspeakable joy,
#strongwomen #strongmom #bekind #havecourage #loveyourself #fattofit #fat2fit #21dayfix #danielplan #weightloss #transformation #100lbs #mealprep #fitspo #igweightloss #fitfam #weightlossjourney #nosurgery #healthylifestyle #healthymom #progresspics #gymunicorn #naturalweightloss #instaweightloss #girlonfire #hapagirl #loveJesus #prayer #pineapplesnowballs
: 16-0302: "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6 Day 1/21 of the #21dayfix is complete! I think I'm going to really like the next 20 days of this program. The food portions are very generous, so I felt satisfied throughout the day. The workout kicked my butt. Man oh man am I ever out of shape! I can't believe how winded I was and how sore I am. But I pushed myself and did my best! And that's all anyone can ask for, right? Short and sweet post tonight - Princess isn't feeling well (I had to pick her up from school - she almost fainted in her Design class. We went straight to the doctor, and all is well now, but she's my priority!) So that means minimal social media time! Good night my friends! Thank you Lord, for the way you have made our bodies. Thank you for my feet and legs that carry me through the day. Thank you for the way you designed us to nourish our bodies with food so that we have the energy to love others. Please bless my family friends and everyone that is reading this post. Shine your everlasting light of mercy and grace upon them for the rest of our days. Yours in unspeakable joy, Michelle . . . . . #strongwomen #strongmom #bekind #havecourage #loveyourself #fattofit #fat2fit #21dayfix #danielplan #weightloss #transformation #100lbs #mealprep #fitspo #igweightloss #fitfam #weightlossjourney #nosurgery #healthylifestyle #healthymom #progresspics #gymunicorn #naturalweightloss #instaweightloss #girlonfire #hapagirl #loveJesus #prayer #pineapplesnowballs
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