: My warm-up today was a 1-mile run and 10 reps, 3 sets of these bad boys with a min rest in between sets!! I thought I died and came back! This combo seems harder than just regular pull-ups! I switch out and do these every couple of weeks. Pull-up to push-up then burpee will DEFINITELY build muscle endurance! #challengeyourself #MindOverMatter -- Nothing works unless you do! How bad do you want it!?? #maketimeNotexcuses GO GET YOU SOME!! #fit_bossgirls #FitchickForLife #Dedication #Determination #TheAmazingFitLife #igfit #Worldfemaleathletics #womenwhoworkout #WomenWhoLift #noexcuses #justDoIt #dallastrainer #nasm #shegyms #realfitgirls #WOF #FitspirationByPrissy