: Sad to leave the love of my life today. Let me tell you the story of our very serious relationship: Only knew him for a 20 minute conversation #loveatfirstsight it should be noted he is from Turkey, and he speaks no English. Therefore this one kid from B'East had to translate everything (because he spoke fluent Turkish. Sure). He did learn how to say some things in English though, Otti had me at "turkish girls are ugly. You have beautiful smile" he also learned how to say "Jane my baby" and "you want to watch match with me?" When he gave me this necklace he said "my heart is this necklace. My heart is for you" Turkish boys are smooth af. Unfortunately we had to part ways. He left with "may I smell your hair" I said "what" he then grabbed my hair and smelled it (thank god I showered guys omg) Otti then proceeded to act like he was melting out of love (Seriously how powerful is this shampoo!?) and we parted ways forever. Probably for the best because he wasn't wearing safety glasses in the pit (like who does that). #safetyfirst #WeFoundLoveInAHopelessRoboticsTournament