: Everyone HOLD UP. ITS MY MAIN BIRCH TREE'S BIRTHDAY. happy birthday to my best friend in the whole entire world. Okay so we've known each other for a reallyyy long time but didn't really become friends until fifth grade ( 5-504! Mrs. Kane's class!) and suddenly we were best friends. We watched our first scary in fifth grade ( insidious two) and after that we had to help amelia with her Oscar drama lmao, so we went out to make her a care package, but we only had enough to buy two cookies, and we ended up eating all of them #sorrynotsorry. But then you pelted me and Alex with nerds and made hearts with Oscar Lolll. Okay so we have so many memories, Like the time we went apple picking together and you called your mom fat lmao. Then sixth grade came along, and we became even closer, like how we took the train EVERYDAY on the way home from school, and we thought we were SOOO cool because on the way home from the farmacy with amelia we stopped to take "artsy pictures" with amelia on her android phone. So We have so many jokes so here- - You're ma main birch! - Matty b and Johnny Orlando - Scary movies and fooood - Fat bag pt 1,2,3 and 4 - The orphan ( ewww) - Sexy nerd - Luke 🤓 - Oy vey, fifth grade - Fierce girlfrand! - Yolo rebel swag- because we are fourth grade boys - Let me baptize myself with the help of your water…? - Ffffff! - Sheep dog! And my mom eating all the cake - New Years two years in a row! - Chum chum - German people! - Dance competitions - Bambi loll - Don't give me rocks! - Polaroids, and you being afraid it was going to get stolen - Me stealing your guava mints - Sushi 🍱🍱 - Zoomed in snapchats - Shoboy in the morning, SHOOBOIII - Mom store - Brandy 4 lyfe - Ms. Yip 😶 - Petunia and panini and panya and patty - Meow meow and Otis - Club getaway and zombie apocalypse - "What's Friday?" "Friday…" - One direction concert! - Troye Sivan 🤓❤️ - Our dance to style - Stitches dance - Mini Graydon and Eli lmaoo - Drug deli - Drunk af 😏 - G train dash - Girlfrand - Shut up wise guy! - The pink scooter - Hand sanitizer club hahaha - The first time we hung out we went to ps29 and I rode my rip stick - XL… - Lulupendent women - Bo