fitmomkelly: Manageable goals, time, commitment! So many times we make resolutions or set a goal and we go hard for 2 weeks and then burn out. Often we forget that it took us months, years to get to where we are health wise and we expect the results to show and our habits to change over night. So what do we do when the plan we set for ourself doesn't work? We quit and often we are worst off than we were when we started. What does this video have to do with this whole rant? This move is called a clean, squat, jerk and if I had just tried to do this move right away without taking the necessary steps I probably would have hurt myself, been confused about how to get to the end result and given up, BUT instead I broke it down into manageable movements until BAM I can do this complex move. This is exactly how my support and accountability groups work... We take baby steps, we break down our goals, celebrate the process and then we surpass our own expectations. We take it a move at a time, a meal at a time and a workout at a time. If you are tired of letting yourself down, look at the process, look at your goals and then find support. I am here for you when you are ready! #joinus #fitmomkelly #dontgiveup