xroleplay._: {Open Roleplay} Daniel was in school, sitting in a chair that was in the principal office. He had gotten himself in trouble again by interrupting class with his off topic conversation with his friend. Apparently his loud voice was distracting the other students, including the teacher. In all honesty, he just wanted to get out of that class. He leaned forward as his chin rest on the palm of his hand. He waited for a teacher to come out and escort him out the building. He was about to give up and just head out himself, until a figure came out the door. His eyes darted to a female who he immediately recognized. She is the daughter of the principal, who goes around to help out some teachers. She looked around his age, but probably a bit younger than him. He couldn't help but stare at her and study her features. Tags [ #Roleplay #rp #roleplaying #darkrp #anyrp #closerp #openrp #dirtyrp #cleanrp #imagine #imagines ]