certified_midget_7.6.14_: (Alittle early so i wont forget) but, It feels good to prove everyone wrong ❀️ A year ago today i met my best friend, last year on the 4th of july watchin fireworks at finch park, that day was the most nervous and most excited ive ever been, ever since that day we've been inseparable, on this day last year was the day i became yours!!! This year has been so wonderful with you by my side and over time you began to feel like home to me, baby you've helped me get through some tough times and made me laugh when i thought my whole world was falling apart, you picked me up every time i was down, you were my strength when i was week, yes i know we have our ups and downs you never let me go to bed angry or upset and i cant stay mad at you bc i realize your the only person whose ever cared about me enough to sing to me in the car, kiss my booboo's away, by me junk food when im mad, wipe away my tears when i get emotional, hold me wen im sick and look like a zombie and still make me feel gorgeous, you manage to always put me first no matter what, and i cant thank you enough for that! I know i dont always give you enough credit for how hard you try and im truly sorry but i love you and everything about you and i always will, thank you for not only continuously loving me everyday but for always being there for me and for making me so happy and making me feel like a princess, im not sure what my future holds but hopefully one day i can be your queen!!! Yes we argue and drive each other crazy sometimes but you and i both know we'd go even crazier without each other! This years been amazing and its had its off days but i wouldn't wanna spend it with anyone else!! Happy one year sweetheart!! I love you so much!!! β€οΈπŸ˜˜πŸ˜β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜€πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’˜ #mcm #oneyear #anniversary